So yesterday was my first day in the gym. When I got there, I got my card for my keyring and got things set up. Then they told me I have one free personal training and assessment session with a trainer as part of my membership. I knew I wasn't going to visit with the parents today [It's supposed to be over 100 here this weekend, so my mom told me to stay home in the AC], I went ahead and signed up for an 11am session.
Of course, I was up chatting and laughing with friends until 5am. I won't say that I regret that, because it was more than I've laughed in forever and that's something you can't regret, but 10am hit just so so early!
I go in and I meet with ... well, we'll call him Larry, just in the interest of not using his name without permission. Larry is a pretty cute and built guy around 30ish. He's also worked with a lot of women who have had over 100 pounds to lose, which is awesome because he understands that our bodies work a little differently than someone who has only 20 pounds to lose. We sit and discuss my goals, motivations, and things that knock me off course. We set a goal for me to lose 100 pounds by my 34th birthday in August 2011, although I will - if I don't lose motivation - probably lose more than that. We discuss nutrition and he tells me I really need less carbs and more protein, which makes tons of sense to me since I've always done better with that. We also discuss muscle building and when I should do strength training and that if I work my arms on Monday, I shouldn't work them again until the next Monday so that the muscle has time to grow. A lot of what he said, I already knew, but some I didn't. But I realize that all trainers have been trained a little differently, too.
And then... he wanted to hit the floor for a quick full body workout. And that's when things went to shit.
We did arms. He pushed and pushed. We did chest. We did back. We did legs. I struggled like HELL. My legs were so wobbly after doing whatever it was he made me do and my arms were killing me. Then he wanted me to go up and down the stairs 5 times. That's when my body revolted and said, "Oh, bitch, please." I made it up and down once with minimal problems. The second time, I was struggling hard. The third time, he came with me because I was seriously SERIOUSLY struggling. He didn't make me finish. I simply COULDN'T finish. And you know, that hurts. I'm not that kind of person. But when you can't, I guess you can't.
Then he tried to sell me a package of training sessions. If my budget allowed it, I would have done it. I really would have. But shelling out $400 right now...nope. Not happening. I wish I could, but I simply cannot.
He did give me the papers that he had marked all over and everything, so I think I can put together a plan that will work. I also know some athletes and trainers who I believe could help me make a plan as well. And, there's my trusty Body For Life book. I did BFL a few years ago and let me tell you, that program WORKS. I don't know if I have the strength for it right now, but in a couple of months, I bet I could try it out again.
I am in such pain now, though. Such pain. Walking to the car sucked. Getting OUT of the car was worse. I laid in bed forever because I couldn't move to go shower. My right arm is throbbing and my legs still feel jellyish.
No pain, no gain, right?
At least, that's what they tell me.
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