Exhausted. That's about all I can say tonight.
I finally stopped being sore, kinda, from the intense beating Larry the Trainer gave me on Saturday. Today was the first day back in the gym since Saturday. I managed 30 minutes on the elliptical, and even bumped it up from level 1 to level 3. Which...isn't that much, really, but it was a big deal for me. I don't know if I'll do strength training tomorrow. What Larry had said is that if I did strength training on one area, like my arms, then I should not work the arms again for a week because of the whole tearing down and building back up of muscles. So I'm assuming that means, after the beating he gave me, that really I shouldn't start strength training again until Saturday. But, what does Larry know, really? Larry could be full of shit, for all I know.
I need to put some new music into my iPhone for the gym. Although I have quite a bit in there, I'm tired of them already.
There's a new show coming up on ABC Family called Huge, starring Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray. It takes place in a fat camp, and Nikki's character appears to be a chubby girl who likes herself and doesn't want to change.
Okay. So I totally get the whole "Love yourself at any size" thing. But what about your health? Yeah yeah, you can be fit and fat. To a point. I would have said at one point that I was fit even being fat, because I could run a 5k and lift weights and my blood pressure was good. But honey, let me tell you. It's a fine fine line between being fit & fat and being just fat.
I'm kind of in a bad mood tonight. I better wrap this up.
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