So I'm giving up sugar again.
Well, let me back up. A few years ago when Mr. D and I first moved in together, he introduced me to the Atkins diet. It sounded like a good idea at the time. I was 100 pounds overweight and right before he and I had met, he'd lost a good 60 pounds doing it. So I bought the book and looked up all the information, found support boards to join, and started. The first few days were hard. I won't lie - I love Cokes and coffee with plenty of sugar and cookies and crackers and potatoes. I have a terrible unholy love for the potato. I would happily put some potato products on an altar and kneel before it and sing the praises of the Holy Potato. Baked, fried, mashed, covered in butter and cream and cheese and...
Oh. Right. Atkins.
So as I got into Atkins, I got REALLY into it. I was happily eating eggs for breakfast, big salads with tuna for lunch, beef and broccoli for dinner, pork rinds for snacks. I felt AMAZING. AY-MAY-ZING! I was working out 6 days a week with all the new energy. The weight was dropping off. I bought a gorgeous pair of low waisted jeans that were truly THE JEANS. You know the ones. They sit just right on my hips, made my legs look a mile long, and flared out just right at the bottom.
I wore them twice.
Because after buying the jeans, I totally fell off the low carb wagon. I don't remember why or what happened, but we found ourselves craving Mexican food. I think I might blame Mr. D for this one, because out of the two of us, he's the one that usually cracks first. I was flying high. But I was also desperately in love with him at the time and if he wanted Mexican food, I wanted it, too. So we sat there with a big bowl of chips in front of us... and we dug in.
The perfect jeans have sat unused [but not unloved! No, Jeans! I still love you!] in the bottom of my closet for years. I discovered that corn kinda makes me sick [which is sad since corn would be at the right hand of the Holy Potato], and that sugar really isn't good for me.
However, it is EASIER to eat sugar than to not eat it. Have you ever really looked at nutrition info? It's in everything!! Plus, let's face it - it tastes good. And I do love things that taste good. The same goes with starch. At least, the "bad" starches, like white bread. But given the choice? I'd rather just not eat bread than to have to eat whole wheat. I'm not picky, that's just the way it is. Not to mention starchy food makes me hungrier.
I'm a 100 pounds heavier than I was 8 years ago. Yeah, do the math - that makes me 200 pounds overweight now. Chuckle it up.
So the time has come once again for me to give up sugar. My body will thank me for a few days. Oh, did I mention that I tend to get SICK when I give it up? Like a fucking crackhead. I'm the one shivering and sweating because my blood is coming back and the Coke filling my veins is leaving. I'm the one with the massive headache and feeling sick to my stomach because there's no cookies in me. But in a few days, I will be fine.
Now, to break the news to Mr. D...
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