A long time ago [well, about 3 years ago], I decided to give Weight Watchers a try. I had followed along with other friends who did WW before in the past, but this time I hauled my butt up off the couch and actually went to the meetings.
The meetings were fine. I wasn't really thrilled with the group leader, I thought she was kind of dull, but I was there for info, not fun. I learned that at the time, I could have 32 points a day, 35 "extra" points a week, and if I exercised, I could have extra points too. After years of counting carbs, counting points was basically nothing to me. This has a point, that has a point, this over here has no points, etc. It was kind of liberating in a way, because I could still eat what I wanted, just smaller portions, and no real restrictions.
Unfortunately, after losing weight for 2 weeks, I started on the antidepressant Lexapro. Hello, weight gain! I was still doing everything right on WW, I was exercising, I was really doing well in everything, but I was gaining weight. After about 3 weeks of steadily gaining each week, I gave up WW. I felt bad that I was gaining, I felt bad that the people there obviously must have thought I wasn't working the program well, and I felt bad for Weight Watchers because I was probably the only person ever to GAIN WEIGHT on their program!
[After gaining about 15 pounds, I also quit the Lexapro, btw.]
So now I'm thinking of giving WW another try. I know they still do the Points system, and now they have apparently combined it with something called Momentum so that you count points but you learn how to eat smarter, not less, or...something. But honestly? Wasn't that the way it always was, anyway? They just slapped an actual name on it this time around.
I still have most of my supplies, books and whatnot, from my time at WW. I don't THINK I'll be attending meetings again, but never say never. Maybe if they do free registration again, I'll do it. But I know how to count points. I know how to measure my stuff.
This morning I had my normal breakfast. After counting it all up, it's 10 points. I'm still full and I have 23 points left for the rest of the day. Let's see how it goes. If I want to lose 10% of my weight [the first big "goal" WW sets for you] then I have to drop a little over 30 pounds.
I can do it though. I know it.